Editorial Board

Dr. Babalola, Ayodele Samuel
Research Scientist
Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Lagos, Nigeria
And Lecturer
Lagos State University (DLS) Osiele Abeokuta, Ogun State
Email: ayodelebabalola@nimr.gov.ng

Dr. Praveen G. Saptarshi
Visiting Professor
Salisbury University, USA
Mob: +91 9423006885
Email: praveen.saptarshi@gmail.com

Dr. Lal Mervin Dharmasiri
Senior Professor and Chair
Head of Geography
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Email- mervin@kln.ac.lk
Web- https://ss.kln.ac.lk

Dr. Sambhaji. D. Shinde
Head Department of Geography,
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Maharashtra, India
Email- sds_geo@unishivaji.ac.in
web- http://www.unishivaji.ac.in

Dr. F. M. Nadaf
Dept. of Geography
DPM’s Shree Mallikarjun College, Canacona-Goa
Email- fmnadaf@shreemallikarjuncollege.ac.in
web- https://shreemallikarjuncollege.ac.in

Dr. A. G. Amarasinha
Head/ Department of Geography,
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Kelaniya, Dalugama, Sri Lanka
Website: https://ss.kln.ac.lk
E- Mail – amarageo@kln.ac.lk

Dr. Adavitot S. C.
Principal & Professor
Head Department of Geography
C. B. Khedagi’s College, Akkalkot,
Solapur University, Solapur.
Maharashtra. India.
Email: dilipa53@gmail.com

Dr. More Jyotiram Chandrakant
Bharateeya Jain Sanghatanas Arts, &Science and Commerce College, Pune
Chairman, Board of Studies in Geography and Geology
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Email: jyotirammore@gmail.com

Munther Moh’d Ibrahim Zyoud
Ph.D Professor (Assistant) at
Al-Quds Open University
Palestinian Territory
Email: munther_zyoud@yahoo.com

Dr. Santosh P. Mane
Royal International Global LLC
16192 Coastal Highway, County of Sussex, Lewes, Delaware 19958 USA
Website: https://royaligllc.us
Email: ceo@royaligllc.us